Level Up Your Life




The Show

The Show

Act 1: The Show The first woman getting ready for the show walks into the costume room, she picks out the prettiest mask and puts it on, "my audience will love this" she cries.  The second woman, scuttling about, checks the lights, the sound, and the guest list, she...

A meditation for creating presence

Turn your attention to life in this moment. Through awareness you can reach a  quality of relaxed alertness and overcome the judgments and limitations of the mind that we all to often live by. Through awareness, you can discover peace and renewed purpose in each and...

Meditation for body awareness

Meditation for body awareness

These days we live in a culture of distraction. It’s become too easy to get lost in our thoughts, or lost in our to-do lists. This constant distraction can split the awareness of the physical body with the mind. Body awareness is being consciously connected as a whole...

Place your energy with intention

Place your energy with intention

By placing your energy where you want it to go you can meet the greatest of achievements or the depths of stillness. Join Brandy in our Pendleton location for a flow that inspires you to place your energy with intention. ...

Breath into your power

Breath into your power

https://youtu.be/Xdb3qhqQsOk Join us for this powerful live studio class in our Pendleton location. Get present and breath into your power.